
Policies, Course Information and Fees

Shepparton Access education program was established to provide learning opportunities for people with disabilities and learning difficulties.
Shepparton Access became a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in 2003 and in 2014 was recognised for our quality and innovative training in 2014.
One of the features of Shepparton Access is our strong commitment to, and a philosophy of community inclusion. This is reflected in our Mission Statement.


Code of Ethics
The strength and success of Shepparton Access comes from the diverse nature of the people who attend our services.  We all respect each other’s differences, ideas and beliefs by:

·       Creating a welcoming atmosphere of friendship and acceptance.
·       Fostering a safe and tolerant environment.
·       Valuating the rights of all in the community.
·       Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of others.

Studying at Shepparton Access
Shepparton Access is registered with the Victorian Regulation and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and is subject to regular audits to ensure you receive the best possible education outcomes.
Shepparton Access has a comprehensive Policy and Procedures Manual which may be reviewed upon request.  Please speak to Wendy if you would like more information about our Policy and Procedures Manual.

Learner Selection Process
Selection of course participants will be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Training Package.  Shepparton Access will at all times comply with the requirements of equal opportunity legislation in the selection and assessment of learners.  You will be required to attend an interview as part of the selection process.  You will be offered a place in order of application providing that they meet entry requirements.  Once a class is full, you be placed on a waiting list for the next available class.

Shepparton Access recognises AQF and VET qualifications and Statement of Attainment issued by other RTOs.

Learners with Specific Needs or Learners with Disabilities
Shepparton Access is a disability service and our courses are targeted to learners with disabilities and specific learning needs.  Within the capabilities of the organisation, every effort will be made to meet the individual needs of learners – provided they meet the entry requirements of the course.  Alternate delivery, reasonable adjustment and assessment methods will be used when and where appropriate.

All successful applicants will be required to participate in orientation activities at the commencement of their course.  These activities will include return to study skills, employability skills, computer ability assessment and gap training and an overview of the program of study.

Careers and Course Guidance Service
Shepparton Access provides pathway planning services for all learners.

Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competencies (RPL)
Existing skills and knowledge may gain you advanced standing or credit towards the completion of courses. These skills may have been gained through previous study, employment, voluntary work or general life experience.  RPL is best arranged prior to commencing your class and must be finalised before the modules in question are delivered on the timetable.  Further details about RPL are provided at course information sessions and again at orientation.

What to Expect of your Learning Experience at Shepparton Access
Learners have the right to:

·       Pursue their learning activities in a supportive and stimulating environment.
·       Learn in an environment free from discrimination and harassment.
·       Be treated with respect and fairness.

Learners have a responsibility to:

·       Treat other learners and staff with respect and fairness.
·       Follow the Shepparton Access Code of Ethics.
·       Follow any reasonable direction from staff.
·       Be punctual and regular in attendance at classes.
·       Submit assessment tasks by the due dates.
·       Behave in a responsible manner by not harassing or intimidating fellow learners.

Shepparton Access staff have a responsibility to:

·       Treat learners and other staff with respect.
·       Follow the Shepparton Access Code of Ethics.
·       Be punctual and commence classes at designated times.
·       Provide learners with appropriate information about their progress in the class.
·       Provide a stimulating and supportive learning environment for learners and assess them equitably.

Shepparton Access has an appeals and complaints procedure for learners who feel that their rights have been breached by fellow learners or by Shepparton Access. 

Learner support and assistance available

·       Alternative assessments for those with specific needs.
·       Support for those with literacy or numeracy issues.

Fees and Charges Information

Fees and chargers at Shepparton Access will depend upon a Learner’s eligibility for government funding. Full details are provided in the Fee Schedule. Refunds are available for learners who withdraw from classes at Shepparton Access.  Refunds will generally be pro-rata according to what portion of the course has been competed prior to withdrawal.

If a learner withdraws from an accredited course after being offered a place, an administration fee of $20 will be charged and course fee refunded at a pro-rata rate. A full refund will be given if Shepparton Access cancels a class prior to its commencement.

For full details of the fees and charges policy please consult the Learner Handbook.  Payment plans are available to approved learners.

Your Information It’s Private
The information we collect helps Shepparton Access to keep up to date about your individual needs, and for use in case of an emergency.  Your information will be held securely and only be used for the purpose for which it’s collected.

Complaint’s Procedure
Shepparton Access will address complaints efficiently and effectively and will provide a documented process for handling complaints. If you have any concerns they should discuss it with their education trainer or Program Manager, Scott.  If the complaint is unable to be resolved, you will be asked to complete a complaints form. You will be informed of the outcome of the complaint and if you are not satisfied you have the right to appeal the decision.

Harassment, Victimisation, Bullying
It is unlawful to harass or bully another person. Shepparton Access will not tolerate harassment or bullying of any kind. All incidents of harassment or bullying must be reported and investigated.

Change of Details
It is important to inform Shepparton Access of any change of details including name, address or phone number so that we can contact you if necessary.
